Sunday Sept. 16
have landed at South Beach State Park on the coast just south of Newport,
OR. We couldn't get a satellite signal at Sisters City campground
last night.(east of Lebanon). We didn't plan on driving all the way to
the coast today but as time went on during the day, and as we kept driving
by perfectly good campgrounds to stop at, it just happened. Ya know
looking for that perfect campsite.
was another big day of driving over up and down winding roads across the
central part of OR on HW US 20. I'm glad we are going south and not going
to have to retrace our route back, like if we were on vacation and would
have to return the same way.
we left Iowa on Aug.12. I had no thought that we would make it all the
way over to the OR coast this year. Last year we were stopped in Rawlins,
WY when it started snowing and we started heading south through Moab, UT
to stay ahead of the cold. But here we are, and sure do want to make the
most of it. And we have weeks to do it in. Knock on wood!
Our campsite at South Beach
State Park. Site B13. (The PU is facing SE) We had to go back and
ask for another site as the one the attendant gave us was not suited for
satellite duty. I think he knew that as he was rude from the start at the
entrance check in station.
Beach State Park and
the surrounding areas offer a variety of recreational opportunities.
activities around the park include fishing, crabbing, boating, windsurfing
and beachcombing. Attractions nearby include the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse,
marine life exhibits at the Hatfield Marine Science Center and the Oregon
Coast Aquarium.
time goes on we plan to just move down the coast slowly and experience
the wonders of it all if we can.
AND This is only the
North Central Section of the coast.
Looks like most of the day
use parks in red do not have a day
use fee. The blue have
So many to explore... WOW..
You can click on all the names of the parks at this State
Park Link.
Click on the Central Coast
or South Coast graphic.
Now if the weather would
clear up and be nice for beach walking. It clouded over just west
or I 5 and we had drizzle most of the drive. We hadn't checked the forecast
as it has been clear and warm for so long in central OR. Oh we have plenty
of time so not to worry. Just a change which we can deal with as a nice
change. Makes for a nice night to have a pork roast, which Terry just put
in the oven before he went for a walk.
A shot from lighthouse hill
looking at the inlet and the bridge.
We will be going back to
explore more extensivly in the next couple days, but just took a quick
drive by to get aquianted with the area for now. We had to go into town
to get a bolt to repair the pullout 5er step. The top rivit broke on the
top step. So Terry worked his magic and made it good as new. We also bought
extra bolts since it is sure the other pot rivets will break also. RVers
learn to carry spares of things which can break.
The old bay front area has
many fishing boats and seafood processing facilities to deal with the catch.
Looks like the place to
purchase your seafood. We will be stopping back. Many good looking seafood
restaurants in the bay front area which look local and not fancy. Terry
just stuck his head in the door with a handful of tourist info for us to
study. Not sure we will have time to explore it all, might have to just
stay in the 5er and read all about it. NOT! The state of OR
has put out some great looking guides.
AND the nice thing is it
is after Labor Day and most of the cowds are GONE. We can drive the
PU dulley and not get in a bind with parking, even able to drive slow and
then be able to get turned around.
It has been raining harder
for a while now and the heat pump is keeping things toasty. If it doesn't
clear up, we may have to eat our way through Newport's Beach Seafood District
instead of strolling the beach. Terry just came in from out of the rain,
and said it was just kind of magical in his rain suit, on the beach.
Monday Sept. 17
We drove from South Beach
campground just south of Newport and went all the way up to Tillamook.
If you have done this drive you know just how inspiring it was. We had
intended to go only as far as Lincoln City, but it was 11:00 when we got
there and we decided to extend our tour. I don't remember where each picture
was taken, so will just show them and let it go at that. We stopped at
all the state parks along the way.
We took HWY 101 to
Tillamook and came back on the drive right along the coast to Cape Meares
on down to Cape Kiwanda past cape Lookout. Portland is directly east of
Tillamook. The morning started out overcast, but as we worked our
way North on the coast the skies cleared and it became a very nice day.
Here Terry is standing at
the Cape Lookout State Park with Netarts and Netart bay in the background.
Terry has gone to walk the
beach back here at campground, while I work on the blog. But ya know I
might just go and follow him and let you just view the pictures.
One the way back we stopped
at the above fish market and didn't stay long as they wanted $20 a lb for
salmon. We still have some some frozen salmon and we will use that.
That price might be fine for some but not us.
Tomorrow we are driving south
to scout out the territory for our next move. As
we drove through the state parks that have camping we found many spaces
open. So not so afraid of finding full campgrounds as we head south. Then
again we may take the day off, regroup and explore the beach and the town
of Newport. It looks like there are several little neighborhoods
in the town of Newport, with the bay side area being the most interesting,
and touristy. might be a good place to park the truck and take to
the the sidewalks. There is also and area on the west side of town
parralling the beach front with lots of little shops and restaurants.
Tuesday Sept. 18
pics from today, as we went down the coast from Newport to Reedsport and
back. Another long afternoon. Stopped at all the campgrounds and found
many empty (not the state parks) but limited sun to get satellite service.
They do like their rain forest like campgrounds out here) Most sites have
never seen the sun... ever, and the NF campgrounds want $20 for a dry site.
The state parks w camping are all booked up for any site that can hold
our 5er. We did write down a few FS sites that we could fit in. One FS
campground was perfect with ocean views from the sites. We hope some spots
open up on Thursday. We shall see. Not going to tell the name of
the campground till we see if we can get in. Further south (hint) Ocean
Dunes National Rec. Area has many sites open, and we will go there if we
can't find better as they are mainly for ATV users. In one big campground
they park them as if in a parking lot. No kidding they just have lines
painted in the lots where to park. And all this nothing for only $20. They
do have showers for the tired and worn out ATVers at the end of the day.
Bet they party hardy each night. Know our Honda 2000ie generator would
not be noticed. They don't care as they are there for going crazy running
their ATVs and have a big time. We would have to put up with that noise
and excitment for the weekend. We could do that as the people watching
would be great, I'm sure. I like to see people having a good time. Makes
me feel good too. Just think of the money they have invested in severl
ATVs and toy haulers and big PU to pull it all. Now that is BIG BOYS AND
THEIR TOYS. Remember the old pharse He who dies with the most
toys WINS...
the coast is something else again and every day we are finding views to
die for. I had a friend back in Des Moines when I was working (ouch) who
got sick (cancer) and his wish was to make it to the Oregon coast. I thought
of him the other day and told myself maybe now, he could see this, through
my eyes, just for today.
We drove Beachside State
campground south of Waldport. Small and cowded and it was full for bigger
rigs (seams like the state parks are popular). If you want to tent it or
have a pop up (and fit into a shoesize of 20 ft) the world opens
up and you can find anything, anywhere. I know many of you may say, get
that big rig and park it in a commercial RV park. (IE. Parking lot.) And
the price is what, for a single night, there. The state campgrounds
are along the coast are about $22 and FS are at $20. Sure this is the Oregon
HW 101 coast, so they can charge for it. And then we drive 100 or more
miles a day to scout it all out on day trips, in a diesel dulley PU, at
how much per mile. So I rest my case, we are all nuts. Spend it while you
got it, and don't look back. After FS campgrounds in central
Idaho at about $6 to $10 we are in sticker shock.
Heceta Head Lighthouse north
of Florence, OR. I think I even caught the light beam as it
turned. Cool...
See this site
for the history of the lighthouse and links to more info on the area.
Florence and Reedsport both
have community festivals this weekend. So much to do and we NEED to get
out of this vacation mode and slow down. Wondering about what the coast
was going to be like and now finding out is a whole new ball game. Not
what I expected, and also in many ways, much more than I expected. You
soon get into the thought that, Oh another fantastic view, no need to stop
at this pullout. So much it, over overwhelms the mind. Me thinks you may
need, years to absorb it, find the places you like best, and then spend
the time. Learning about yourself, and the life of the shore!
I do need to get down into it and spend time digging in my toes. Tide pools
next adventure. So now, happy hour and the comments are reflective of it,
so later... Stop back as Terry tells me he will add his comments later...
He better insert (by your roving reporter Terry)or
his remarks might be counted as mine. Now we wouldn't want that now would
we. Who does blog better? Don't answer that!...
Notes from Terry
Rember the $20.00/lb salmon
Ron mentioned the other day? Well tonight we had baked salmon filletts
and rice pilaf, the salmon was frozen from the refrigerator, and
was purschased at Wall Mart a few weeks back at less then $5.00/lb.
We were going to have a bit of white wine with the meal, but the bottle
of wine we bought the other day is no where to be found. I had the
flash light out looking through the bottom of the truck cab, and the 5'ers
basement to no avail. Then Ron not believing me had to repeat the
search. I think the bottle got left in the bottom of the grocery
cart and never made it out of the store. Had to have red wine with
the salmon instead.
Ron said we are sleeping
in tomrrow and relaxing, perhaps going into Newport for a bit of
shopping and a bit more sightseeing.
There are a number of distinctive
neighborhoods, and we have only given them a quick drive through.
Wednesday Sept.
We got a late start about
11 AM and just drove around the city and loacl area and relaxed a bit today.
Tried not to be in a big rush, like in days past. Thursday will be a move
day so, we shall see how it goes.
Terry at the light house
overlook in Newport, OR
Seal Rocks State Park day
use area view where we went for lunch after we picked up a sub and potato
salad and went for a picnic.
Yaquina Bay Lightouse
website and its History at this great link.
The view from the front center
upstairs window. WOW
Newport harbor and bridge
taken from the jetty.
Thursday Sept.
was move on down the coast day and we lucked out and found several campsites
at Tillcum Beach FS campground just north of Yachats, OR. We spotted
this campground several days ago and YES we did get a great spot today.
We didn't want to be right on the beach side of the road, as it was so
windy yesterday and a little cold. This way we are a little sheltered.
And still have great views and sun for the solar and internet access.
We found a spot with satellite
access and sun for most of the day
The dish pushed its way
past a some pine branches to find the the signal. We are online and HAPPY.
The views of the beach and
ocean are beyond description. I can sit at the campfire and see waves crashing
in on the beach.
More later as I have a campfire
going and Terry just got back from a walk on the beach, and he is going
to grill chicken tonight. No breeze so it is wonderful out.
Saturday Sept. 22
by your roving reporter
We had nothing to report
for Friday, We were going to post a note to that effect on Friday,
but the day seemed to fly by and not time to put up the post.
You might wonder what we did yesterday, and the answer was absolutely nothing.
If not for a culinary emergency that required a quick trip into Yachts
to get onions we would not have had to even drive the truck yesterday.
We did have bigger plans
for today. After sleeping in for as long as we could and a leisurely
breakfast we set off down the coast. At Florence, OR we stopped at one
of the local tire shops and had them rotate one of the rear duals for the
spare. The rear dual was wearing excessively and had most of the
tread gone so we thought it best to put a little better tire on.
some time this winter we will have to get a full set of tires, that
will be a big hit to the budget.
We continued on south out
of Florence and got into the Oregon Dunes National Rec. area.
They love their 4 wheelers, and motorcycles. Saw a couple of units
stuck in the sand, but they all looked like they were having a good time.
We were there about noon and the ATVers were all on their way in
for a tailgate lunch.
From what I've heard
the salmon must be running upstream. The town, Reedsport, was even
hosting a salmon festival. With a salmon bake by members of the local Indian
tribe. They also had a few other exhibits set up, including pow wow
dancers, a display of stone tools, flint napping for the kids, and
two antique dug out canoes on display.
Here the whole salmon are
baking. lt. looked like an interesting process, and I might have
to try to replicate it while we are in the area, catch the local
There was also a Blues and
Brews festival going on in the next town up the coast, Florence, but we
were unable to locate the festival grounds. Would think that the
organizers would at least put up a sign.
This picture shops one of
the local outfitting businesses, I think they were in the business
of renting everything you needed to go crabbing, which seems to be a popular
thing to do. Have seen a number of sporting good stores and they
all have the nets and traps, and have seen people crabbing on several of
the piers. Will have to check this out in the next few days.
Monday Sept. 24
took Sunday OFF, read the paper and relaxed. This salt air has been playing
havoc with my throat. Feel like I'm coming down with something but not
quite sure what.
(today we moved to Winchester Bay (just south of Reedsport) to a great
harbor with 155 RV spots right on the marina for $10 or $12 with a BBQ
grill and picnic table.
Pic taken from the web.
I didn't fly up there and take it... We are located where the red Xis
in the center. The next jetty up is the commercial RV park and they want
$36 for about the same view as I am getting for $12. Of course I have to
provide my own power. No problem. We have a free dump and fresh water
at the end of the jetty. And the commericial sites are all full. (According
to a neighbor here, who wanted to stay there.) Lots of people want to spend
big bucks for just a little bit more. That's why we have all the boondocking
equipment. This is a nice change from paying $20 for a dry camping spot.
But we are on the coast after all so I would expect campground fees to
be a little higher.
Winchester Bay Marina
Bob and Linda from
are volunteers at the Umpqua River Lighthouse and have invited us to visit.
Will have to see how I feel tomorrow. They told us about the Marina RV
spots in a email. Thanks.