- Nebraska
Background: For the last two
years we had taken our extra compact car along with us to run around in
while at our winter destination so we would not have to drive the diesel
truck. Well with gas they way it is we figured it up and determined that
if we didn't take the car we could drove the pu 2500 miles sight seeing
for the same amount as driving the car down and back. And we also had trouble
with state parks wanting to charge for the extra vehicle.
Escaped Iowa just ahead of
some big storms with large hail and high winds and landed in Nebraska to
sunny skies. Was worried the trip might get off to a bad start but lucked
out after driving through downpours just east of Omaha, NE on 80.
This time we cut off west at
Linclon, NE and took US 34 (blue road) accross to Grand Island. Stayed
at George
Hall Clayton Hall County Park just north of the interstate 80 at Grand
Island for $10 w\e and paved campsites. What a gem of a place. Have traveled
by here many times on 80 and never knew it was there. and then US
30 to Kearney and to the shrine... Cabela's Outfitters.
Had to stay in their very expensive campground. Just because. Oh and spent
money there also. It was so nice not to have to fight the trraffic on Interstate
80 this time. And I could go 55 or 60 mph and save on fuel. I don't want
to, or need to rush down the road at 75. And both roads were in top shape.
From there we were off to the
the Poudre
River west of Fort Collins, and to cross Colorado on a northern route.
State HY. 14.
No big passes until going down
into Steamboat Springs on US 40
Well we didn't stop to get
fishing lic before getting into it and as we keep on going west we passed
up the campgrounds that could hold or big rig. We kept moving onward
looking for just the right spot and we never found it. Had to back
out of one campground. When we finally stopped it was west of Steamboat
Springs. NOT a good day.. Guess we were still in vacation mode and just
couldn't bring ourselves to just shut it down, stop and camp in the FIRST
nice spot, which was Oh SO Many miles back. Pulled off into a one starr
RV park in Steamboat and they wanted $43.50 for a spot. Didn't take long
to pull out of that rip off. Found a CO state park on down the road.
Friday Sept. 16 In
We did land the next day at
Dinoasaur National Monument in Utah and camped for three days on the Green
river in the park ($12 a day, no E). We had planned to head up north to
Flaming Gorge and fish the Green river below the dam... BUT like much of
our trip so far this was was a bust also. The road US 191 to the gorge
from Vernal, UT. was way to steap with 10% grades and 19 switchbacks to
pull our 5er over and the campground was not near the river and had, had
a fire go through and was not a destination campground at Ducth John. Will
not need to go back anytime soon.
So thoughts of heavy fishing
the Green was off the table. Things at this point we not going well. And
did I mention diesel was running $2.75, then, $2.89 then $3.03 then, $3.15
and now $3.20 a gal. as we get more west.
There are NO people traveling
or in the campgrounds... wonder why! You just don't run to town for
a Sunday paper which is 20 miles away. The drive would cost $6 for
$1.50 paper. Another reason why satellite internet access is almost a must.
Monday Sept. 19
Made a sort day of it and found
State park at Douchesne. We had thought UT parks charged $5 day fee
and $14 for camping. But this one has primitive camping for $8 and was
told no day fees when a camping fee is paid. Liking UT state parks more
and more.
Will be heading down through
central UT on US 191 and St 10 and 72 to check out Fishlake National Forest
in the days ahead.
It makes a world of differnece
resourching where to go and stay by using the web access we have. We got
off to a rough start but have lots of time and need to just learn to slow
down and do better planing.
Tuesday Sept. 20
Woo someone put a mountain
in our path this am heading from Duchesne on US 191 to Price, UT.
WOW I thought we we back in
Colorado. But trusty Duramax held the way and we made it down the pass
ok. Stopped in Prices and the follow pic would make Tioga George proud.
Do Not Park here lot while
the Chevy dealer got us right in for an oil change. So after that and a
propane stop, and gas we were on are way. Diesel at Smith's foods $3.01
Price, UT. We had stooped at WalMart and asked the greater where to find
propane and she directed us to an out of the way place with a lower price.
When we told the woman at the propane place about the directions she said
Oh that was my mother, She is the greater there.
Went a few more miles on St.
10 and are stopped at Huntington
State park. Terry is going fly fishing tomarrow in streams just west
of here.
So a day off the raod as we
have been hitting it way to hard. Again the camp host came rushing up to
great us as this place is also nearly empty.
Sept. 21
We are
still at Houghton State Park, have decided to stay another day, then
will move on.
up to a gorgeous sunrise, and got a fantastic shot of the early morning
color on the butte to the south of the lake.
up in the trailer a bit, surfed on the web and had a very relaxing day
of it.
Sept 22 (Terry reporting)
today, but not far. Got a late start, and left Houghton State Park
about 10:30. Only went about 40 miles today so the timing made little
difference to us. We have decided to go slow and relax. After
rushing to get everything ready to leave Iowa, and then a couple of big
days driving we were a little stressed out. We are having a much
better time taking it slow, Besides we are only 400 or so miles from Quartzsite
and they are still getting day time temps in the high 90’s
Made it
as far as Millsite State Park just outside of Ferron, Ut. Millsite
is a nice little park on the edge of a reservoir. Arrived about noon,
set up the trailer, fixed a bit of lunch and relaxed under the awning.
The water levels are quite low but there are still a few locals coming
out with their boats to fish. Millsite St. Park. $14 a day no electric
water at each site. They even provide the water hose. great campground
Sept 23 (Terry reporting)
sightseeing today. Drove the forest service road to Ferron Reservoir
above our current camp. The road is well maintained and has real
road rock (crushed limestone) on it, not a bunch of pea gravel. We have
decided to keep this place in mind for future use, but it will be quite
a pull for the truck to get the trailer to the top of the buttes.
There are some steep grades, and some very narrow places with very long
drop offs on the outside edge. The lake below is Millsite St Pk.
where we are staying. At least 2000 ft higher at this point.
It evens out a bit with Aspen
groves in fall colors.
along the way a couple of times to look and stretch, and explored a couple
of side roads. The Forest service campground at Ferron reservoir
does not amount to much, but there are several very nice boon docking sites
along the way. The Road we were on, forest road 022 continues
on past the reservoir and would eventually go to Mayfield, Ut. It
also dissects the “Skyline Dr.” a couple of miles past the campground.
Dr we found mentioned in much of the Ut literature as one of their scenic
drives, but with the price of diesel fuel running between 3.09 to 3.17
per gallon will forgo the loop
up to Cleveland Reservoir where the Forest Service road meets hwy 6.
Sept. 24 (Terry reporting)
at Millsite State park through the week end, waiting to see what
will happen with hurricane Rita coming ashore today. So far
it looks like the people of Louisiana and Texas will have a bit of good
luck and storm will not be as intense and damaging as Katrina was.
Had an
interesting experience with the radio overnight, went to bed far
to early last night and woke up at 3:00am. Turning on the radio,
could only find one station, an AM signal which was airing an overnight
talk show. They were convinced that the current batch of hurricanes
were being manipulated by the foreign powers to ruin the US economy, and
it went on form there. Later in the morning a “investment” program
was aired, which consisted mostly of the ranting of the host. Looked into
Sirius or XM radio but found only Sirius had NPR and for now will just
get NPR free on the internet.
in the Afternoon went for a hike in the canyon just beyond the State park.
Was pleased at the ease of walking, as long as I stayed in the dry stream
bed. Went in about a mile, and enjoyed the quiet and solitude.
Sunday Sept. 25
Another great autum day with
a Sunday paper (hadn't had one for a few weeks) and watching the new shows
on TV tonight.
Monday Sept. 26 (Ron
Headed out south on St route
10 to the intersection of I 70 and went south on St. route 72 and on over
to Fish lake in Fish Lake National Forest. What wonderful roads and and
views of the high country. We are camped in Piute campground and are the
only ones here. It sez $6 a night but there are no pay envelopes so we
shall see if a ranger stops by. Several other campgrounds were closed on
route 640. The colors are at their peak and life is good.
Piute Campground... At
Johnson Valley Reservoir in Fish Lake National Forest at 8803 ft.
empty except for us.
Below is Route 036 heading
south from Johnson Valley Reservoir in Fish Lake National Forest
A boondockers dream on this
route with parking areas with rest rooms right alone the river with signs
welcoming RV camping.
The whole area in Fish Lake
Forest has great maintained backroads with all the boondocking you would
Tuesday Sept. 27
Today was to be rain and storms...
we did get a few showers and a little thunder abut it is now 5:30 pm and
the sun is out.
We took advantage of the day
and drove back down to the town of Loa, UT. Our drive on Rte 036 (see the
map above) proved to show some great fishing opportunities so we now plan
to sataying several days so Terry can fish. He can get his licenice online
in UT. That's nice. Nice clean town with diesel at $3.18 and a nice grocery
store. No beer in the grocery store. They said we would have to go the
the gas station up the road for that. Stopped and they did have some beer.
One cold display case. It is hunting season out here and if more then just
a few came in they would be out of beer. Having pork roast tonight in the
oven in the RV instead of in the Dutch oven outside so as to help with
heating inside as it is cool today. Our solar panels and the six AGM batteries
have been doing a great job. Have the Honda 2000 gen running right now
but could have gotten away without running it I think. The 2000 watt
Xantrex charger\inverter will put out 75 amps on charge to the bat string
so it doesn't take long to get them topped off. We were still 13.3 volts
when we started the gen. We run the sat internet system and desktop computer
and the 24 inch tv with directv at night and limit the microwave use. We
have power stips, so when things are not on, their instant on features
are dead. And when we go to bed we of course turn the inverter off so ALL
stops. We only turn on the inverter when we need it. Like a flash light
when not in use TURN IT OFF. As we can use the 12 volt system for most
things. We have tried to be very use consciences and will loosen up as
time goes on to see what we can get away with. I don't think our DC voltage
has ever dropped below 12.4. Don't want to add another solar panel unless
it is needed. We have a Solar Boost 2000E to control the solar cells. We
are at 13.65 now so are shutting the Honda down. We have not had to use
the forced air gas heating unit very much yet (did turn it on this am for
a little while) so that will be the big test for bat usage... Stay tuned
for that.
Wednesday Sept. 28
Kind of cold windy and rainy...
went for a drive to drop off trash and stopped at the resort, campground,
boat launch, cafe, c-store here at Fish lake. They said they would
be open for only a couple more weeks and then were heading to Yuma,
Az. There a few more people around as it is the opening of hunting season.
The campground is still free and will stay here till Sunday. Look for the
where we are now in central UT.
You can always see where we
are at by clicking
here to go to the Datastorm Users Map.
Thursday - Friday Sept.
Woke up and the weather is
clear and cold, but will warm up with the bright sun. Turned on the forced
air furnace and it had little effect on the bat. volts. It is now
about 1 pm and we are solar charging at 15 amps.
Terry bought and printed online
his fishing lic and has gone off to fly fish where the creek flows into
the Johnson Valley Res.
The forecast is for clear and
warmer through the weekend and then turn really cold next week. That should
make the hunters happy this weekend. Our Datastorm unit sez we are
at 8803 ft. and with it turning much colder next week we will head
for lower ground and a little further south on Sunday. Looks like a stop
in Richfield, UT. for supplies. and tentatively to Fremont
Indian State park.
Public lands Information Center web site sez $9(correction
it really is $11) for camping. And should be good fishing on
Clear Creek in the area.
So on Sunday we should be at
Fremont Indian State park.
Will want to take some or all
of the Kimberly/Big
John Rd Scenic Backway.
May drive part way down from
our Fremont campsite and then part way back up from the Beaver
side as I don't think we will
try to pull a big 5er on this backway.
After Fremont for a few days
if the fishing is any good, plans are to go to Beaver, UT. and back into
the Fish Lake Forest and camp
along Route 153 at a FS camp
site or in the dispersed camping
areas listed on the FS web site.
(camping areas link not available
when I checked... it should come back up)
Late Friday night....
The news shows a Hurricane moving toward Baja peninsula.
Extended forecasts expected
a weakened Otis to bring rain to parts of the southwestern United States
by early next week.
We shall have to see how that
affects our travels.
Just got an email from DirecTV.
They are adding 67 channels of XM radio to their lineup and replaceing
their current music channels.
This will work good boondocking
in Quartzsite. Will only need to have the DirecTV box on and will retransmit
it into my FM radio.
Having only the DirecTV box
on will use less power then the internet sat rec and trans boxes and the
desktop computer all powered up for streaming audio. And I almost went
out and bought XM radio. But I haven't yet because either XM or Sirius
did not offer PBS "The Morning Report or "All Things Considered"
But still will not get those programs but will get most others for free
with my DirecTV account.
Next we are off to Fremont
Indian State park.....
and Southern Utah, Nevada
and Arazona.
Tuweep on the north rim of the Grand Canyon
and boondocking overlooking Lake Mead. |